Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fedora's post-London email

Dear Mommy,
Just got back from London, sooooo tired!
I can still feel the train swaying, so that bit is standing out in my mind, but after I get some sleep memories such as the London Eye (we got you some stomach-twisting pictures!), high tea at Fortnum & Masons (we planned my birthday party) and buying gay porn at the largest bookstore in Europe (there was some confusion as to to the price in sterling) will return to the forefront. We also saw the Lion King! It was really pretty and had hot naked guys!

At Hadley's Toy Store ( think FAO Shwartz with about a zillion more toys) we went to the Build a Bear Workshop! I built a BUNNY! His name is Oliver and I love him. He has a little London Bobby's uniform. With a hat. Pleasant got a bear named James dressed as a beef-eater, and Aunt Kathy got the bill.

How come you never told me about Kendall Mint Cake???
At Fortnum & Masons candy department:
F: What's Kendall Mint Cake?
K: I dunno. Why, do you want some?
F: Well, it is on the shelf here, and I read about it....
P: It has 'mint' in the name. We're getting it.

When we got home:
P: Let's try the Kendall Mint Cake!
F: It scares me..I still don't know what it is...
P: *opens it* It looks weird... *eats bit*
F: Well? What does it taste like?
P: ....try it.
F: *tries it* Pleasant, this...this is a brick of sugar.
F: It's sparkling. This is minty sugar. This would be FANTASTIC in tea!
K: Oi.
F: *finishes bite* Oooh, I'm all MINTY! I feel like I just brushed my teeth! With SUGAR!
K&P: ....ew.
I also bought souveniers today for my friends and...ooh! I forgot! We got two cashmere scarves in...the Gordon dress plaid. From a real plaid shop. They ROCK.

Well, the room is swaying and I have to tuck in Oliver. Aunt Kathy and Plez say hi, so do Oliver and James! There's a million exctiing events I forgot to talk about, but I'm sure you'll hear all the stories soon enough!

Enjoy your child-free weeks!
PS FRIED BREAD! Combining my two favorite things...FRIED and BREAD!

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