Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The French has stolen my bucket, which contained cheese.

McD's was AWESOME! Taste just like the one on Sunset Boulevard. Chicken nuggets tasted oddly like chicken, could be French eccentricity or just a bad batch.

Fashion museum was odd. Full of dresses. P and I had fun picking out which ones we would wear to our first, second, and fifth weddings. Jewels were pretty, but we couldn't keep them.

I tried to pocket a white opal the size of a smallish egg, but the police apprehended me before I'd got farther then trying to pierce the glass with my lazer-vision. God these frenchies are greedy.

P is being snooty and refusing to blog, so tonight while she sleeps I will secretly turn on and unplug her laptop from the wall. When she wakes up and attempts to turn it on, there will be on power, and she will be convinced it has broken! This is a brilliant plan that cannot possibly fail.

Today as I attempted to do the Tidy Dance, she violently objected to my choice of soundtrack- Violent Pornography by System of a Down. This is a very peppy song that encourages me to pick things up off the floor! And also to use my TV to bring down democracy!

My demands to go to the Musee de Cluney have been largely ignored...except on the day it was closed. Attempted to take bites of the furniture, the 600 year old buildings, and my sister. Was hit many times.

The temperature is steadily rising as the dryer sings along with mom's ipod, and my chances of getting that war frigate before August decrease. Stupid internet economy. Tonight's activities will include food, more laundry, food, alcohol, yelling, food, my sister being a snootypants, and catching up on the Colbert Report.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that the flowers on this table are fake.

The End

1 comment:

Tia C said...

Hello ladies! I am loving living vicariously through you. Also, laughing to myself as I read, as it seems like your endearing personal quirks are amplified in this medium. I can totally tell who's writing what on this blog without looking at the headline. Great observations though, and your apt. looks lovely.

Still waiting to hear from Plez, at least some photos of your fave stuff if you don't want to write?

Je vous aime mes cheres! Amusez-vous!